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The Orchestra of Typewriters

 Having spent the mid 2000's in the underground Chicago art and music scenes, avant-garde performances are close to my heart. We spent our days in confining office spaces and our nights in dingy basements, on rooftops, or small storefronts in seedy parts of town experiencing performances by cat trainers, noise bands, and one time even a guy who made music with worms. Now in my 40s and a certified office nerd, The Boston Typewriter Orchestra scratches that itch precisely.   With performances on NPR's Tiny  Desk to performing with the illustrious Amanda Palmer, The Boston Typewriter Orchestra ticks away at their favorite office equipment, the typewriter. Their YouTube channel showcases live performances and music videos that are intense as they are irreverent. Their most recent video showcases their trusty typewriters alongside a set of office bells. It is their 2024 Tiny Desk submission to NPR. Located in New England, The Boston Typewriter Orchestra have been performing for

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